v3.2.3 - Custom Gold Edits


  • You can now manually input a specific gold value to nations by clicking the gold info on Nation View
  • Added a setting for changing the UI Size. This does not affect the Main Menu UI

Bugfixes & Improvements

  • Fixed a bug where if you restarted the game after playing a scenario that you had saved in the editor, the game would start with incorrect info on many nations
  • Fixed a bug where in some situations, especially when editing saves through scenario editor, ids would get mixed up and scenario might load with wrong info
  • Reverted Puppet coloring to how it was in v3.2.1, outline option still exists of course
  • Fixed a bug where nations with disabled AI still made core purchases and revolted against their overlord
  • Fixed a bug where some war info was not saved
  • Fixed a bug where changing owned crossing tiles to land wouldn't increase nation area
  • Fixed incorrect nation and city names in World Map Scenarios
  • Fixed UK's starting gold in Large World Map Scenario
  • Fixed capitals of Kentucky, Alabama & Missouri in US Scenario
  • Added the cities of Louisville & Saint Louis to US Scenario
  • Added missing tooltip to Puppet control action
  • Added a scrollbar to scenario editor tools
  • Fixed some translations

The next big thing I am working on is adding lots more functionality to the Scenario Editor. But just as a heads up, as summer is quickly approaching, update schedule might become slower during the summer. Anyway, have a great summer everyone!


Ages of Conflict: World War Simulator (v3.2.3 Windows) 43 MB
32 days ago
Ages of Conflict: World War Simulator (v3.2.3 Linux) 44 MB
32 days ago

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We already bought old version, so how can we get the newest updates without buying game all over again?

(2 edits)

You can download the latest version from your Library (top right corner). If you don't want to keep downloading newest version, you can also claim a steam key and use that if you have steam