v4.0.3 - Custom FLAG PACKS!

Hi everyone!

Before reading the update, if you're interested in other projects I've been working on, check out this game me and our team made for a weeklong game jam! You can play it on  a browser. We're also planning on expanding the game and releasing it on Steam in the future, so giving it a wishlist would also help immensely! 

Now, as for the update...

Flag Packs 📁

The previous default flags have been converted to a Flag Pack, and a new menu has been added to make flag packs easy to create and share!

Simply create a new pack, add your flags to it and save. You can then easily use them again in your other scenarios! You can later edit them by adding or removing individual flags from them. Default packs and Workshop packs can't be edited, but they can be used as bases or references for your custom flags.

You can share your packs on the workshop from the flag editor panel. Create a new item or update an old one. As usual, don't steal other people's work!

Revolt highlights on map 🔥

Cities which are close to revolting, will now be highlighted on the map with a red tinted city and some smoke!

Combat Efficiency Lock 🔒

Do you sometimes want to keep specific counties extra powerful or weak, without changing everyone's Combat Efficiency Setting to Static? Well now you can! Simply lock their efficiency in place by clicking the icon!

v4.0.3 Full Changelog


  • Expanded default flags to FLAG PACKS
  • You can create and edit your own Custom Flag Packs
  • You can share your Custom Flag Packs on the Steam Workshop and use ones made by others
  • Cities with more than 70% revolt progress will now appear to be smoking on the map and tinted red
  • Added the option to select rightful owner for cities in the in-game city popup
  • Added a way to lock down Combat Efficiency for certain nations even if nation AI is not disabled
  • Added a US States Flag Pack
  • Added flags to World Map 1914, Europe 1914 and Europe 1792 scenarios
  • Added the "Only paint on empty tiles" toggle to in-game Tools
  • Added a new official Steam Input layout for gamepads
  • Added support for Japanese and Korean characters

Bugfixes & Improvements

  • Updated the look of the in-game city popup
  • Pressing Enter in the input panel now confirms entered text
  • Fixed a bug where city revolt progress value flashed a wrong text
  • Fixed a bug where multiple map modes could be selected in Scenario Editor
  • Fixed a bug where you could unpause the game while editing flags
  • Fixed some mistakes with existing flags
  • Small updates to 1792 Europe
  • Fixed some translations


Ages of Conflict: World War Simulator (v4.0.3 Windows) 83 MB
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Ages of Conflict: World War Simulator (v4.0.3 Linux) 84 MB
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I enjoyed this update! Can you add achievements to the itch.io version in the next update?

I just downloaded the new version, Yay