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mac download! mac download!

Maybe consider making earth the biggest map?

bro new maps are firee 


make it able to be downloaded on mac


Hi there!
This looks amazing so far; and ive got a couple things i would add:
1: make a mode where you can control a country completely, you can choose the alliance, who to attack, exc and that there isnt a bot who also makes decisions (ive seen a country fall apart cause of stupid bot mistakes)
2: make alliances a bit more diverse. making it so you can ally multible countries (so 1 is allied to 2, 2 is allied to 3 but 3 isnt allied to 1, you get me?) this would create interesting wars imo.
3: an earth map that is a lot bigger then current earths map (the current earth map is simply quite small lol)
4: add music and drastically reduce the sound effects when nations attack eachother, make alliances, make peace, exc.

the game looks great so far, props to you!

I will like a ctrl+z or something like that in the create map mode because i hate when I have been working on a map and I miss and use the bucket. :(


can't you people see the undo button next to bucket tool ;((

ups. I love your game


more god mode features could be good, like lining up armies,


wow the latest update really improved the game


man everyone here is just suggesting things that are probably already being made smh

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Maybe add rulers with traits. Rulers can have traits like Negotiator (higher chance of making alliances), Tyrannous (higher chance of revolts happening), and Combative (higher chance of declaring war). They last a random amount of time from 20-70 years and when they die, the revolt chance gets higher. Also, make alliances allowed between more than just 2 nations.

Terrain should be added so some terrain is easier to invade and others are harder to invade, along with wasteland terrain which countries cannot enter. (basically an ocean but displays as white, would be good for some world building: mountains etc)

2 front wars are way too hard for a nation to win, they should be less difficult for the nation in the middle, especially if they are a massive empire.

Unions would be pretty nice. If nations have been in an alliance for 50 or more years, there's a chance that they might form a union with each other. (There doesn't need to be any special mechanics, just the more powerful nation annexing the other is enough.

(1 edit) (+3)

You should add a unite button. It would be cool for nations to be able to unite.         You should also add a US map.


Make it so the Ai can actually move there troops in the armies so they don't just get stomped and also get the Ai tto reorganized armies and different types of books. Also more maps pleasee!

yes, that would be pretty cool.


More continent maps,  a Pangea map (highly recommended by the community anyways ), and maybe ideologies, so the same ideology is a 75 percent higher chance of an alliance forming than with different ideologies?

Anyways, keep up the amazing (and ridiculously hard-to-code) work!


plz make a back and forward Butten for map making

grammar lol 


tf you talkin bout, thats shits spelling not grammar

(1 edit)

actually there are two grammatical mistakes too. "Butten" should not be capitalised, and "map-making" is one word with a hyphen as i just demonstrated.

you mean an undo and redo button?

Thats just funny

A Pangea map would be cool.

I would like the earth map to be the biggest AND have 100 random nations


please give me middle earth i love lord of ring to much to not have it.


where is New Zealand? Why does like everyone forget about New Zealand

Thats what I said!

they filmed lord of the rings and the hobbit in New Zealand so we definitely need New zealand.   


Does JokuPelle have an excuse for that? 

(2 edits) (+1)

can you please add a middle earth map my good sir. It would please me very much. (NO i cant make my own because A. i am lazy and B. and i suck at drawing and making things. Thank you!) 


(2 edits)

where was gondor when the west fold fell 


i fully agree

A Middle-Earth map has been added now

(1 edit) (+2)

I was thinking you could add a chill mode there things only happen when you make them instead of things happening automatically. It would allow people to decide the fate of the countries. I feel like a bot deciding all that for me most of the time is depressing for me.


I Really Enjoy This Game, I Saw that you just Released the God Mode Feature, I Would add a army placing system, For Example you can add armies to 1 Nation to make it stronger.



Love this simplistic simulator, but please add an option to import/export maps so we can save and retrieve maps we may spend a long time making. It will most likely improve the community of this game since people can share maps they make with others, making the game much more replayable.

they're working on it. could be implemented in the next update.


NEED NEW MAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

give me middle earth or give me death

well, they chose to give you Middle-Earth. and a bunch of other maps too.

i enjoy playing this game but here are 2 things which I would like to have, first is can nations move their capital and also change it's name depending on the location, a second thing is if you could save the maps you have created, if I added to much then apologies


can you add a save option


for real though 


yea whats up with that they should add a save button


You should add a Asia, Korea, and America map


What area is middle earth? middle east?


lord of the rings

(1 edit)

4 new maps added as of the latest update (v 1.03): North America, Japan, Middle East, Middle-Earth


Also, Countries should be able to have more than one alliance, something like NATO perhaps?


that would make the game more interesting like NATO vs. Soviet Union and China


very funny

(1 edit)

That would be interesting

The revolt chance should be lessened when an allience is formed and raised when broken.

very smart

suggestion: it's really hard to control the zoom on a touchpad, idk if its like that on a mouse but laptop players are basically forced to stick to the default zoom

very interesting and fun game otherwise

Yes they should add a button to make it easier to zoom in and out.

you can now zoom with the "+" and "-" keys on the number pad


There are so many suggestions here that my suggestion was probably said atleast once or twice, but it would be nice to have square or triangle for armies instead of just circles, what i mean is, that triangle could be same as 2 circles in a single spot while square is same as 3 circles, and the bigger the nation is, the larger army it should have(depending on its land position, if its in africa it wont get as much army as in europe for example

(2 edits)

2 suggestions:

 > when an empire gets killed by another empire, that empires capital should be turned into a new city.

 > puppet states

that would be cool


make a laptop alternative for zooming in and out like certain key


you can now zoom with the "+" and "-" keys on the number pad

(8 edits) (+5)

Some feedback and suggestions:

> 100 max nations on a map with a land area of 16100 is ridiculously low. the max should at the very least be 250, if not 500. there should be a counter showing how many nations can be spawned. like "15 out of 500 nations spawned".

> one should be able to delete nations after spawning them, before selecting "Ready".

> one should be able to edit the color of the nations at any time.

> the speed at which a nation colonises empty land next to it should depend on how much land area the nation already has. the more land area it has the faster it should colonise.

> there should be wasteland, fertile and normal terrain. so in the world map the Sahara desert and Siberia and Amazon and Canada and the Outback and the American Midwest and western China would count as wasteland, whereas land around rivers (other than the Amazon) would be fertile, and the rest would be normal land. every unit of wasteland would count as 1 land, every unit of normal land would count as 3 land, and every unit of fertile land would count as 4 land.

> in "God mode", one should be able to instantly have a revolt be annexed by it's parent nation.

> one should be able to click on a particular city to make it revolt rather than a random city revolting.

> nations should get new cities upon meeting certain thresholds of land area. 

> cities that spawn as the nations expand should not spawn too close to pre-existing cities or in wasteland.

> waves of armies should travel from each one of a nation's cities to its borders every few years. alternatively, they should accumulate around the cities while nations are at peace and move to one or more borders when nations are at war. the maximum army a nation is allowed to have at any one time should be determined by how much land area it has while at peace.

> cities should level-up with time, producing more armies per wave. cities on fertile land should level-up faster.

> if the capital of a nation is captured, any other cities in the nation should all start their own nations that will expand into the unclaimed land the parent nation used to own. the most leveled-up cities should colonise at the same rate that cities colonise at the very start of the game whereas the second-most leveled-up ones should be somewhere around 10 to 25% slower and the third-most leveled-up should be that percentage slower than the second-most and so-on. 

> in a single war, a nation should only be able to capture a land area equal to or less than 33% of it's land area at the start of the war. but if one nation reaches the other's capital, it should always capture the capital before ending the war. could the limit on capturable land be enforced by making it so that the maximum army a nation is allowed to have at any one time is equal to 33% of it's total land area?

> armies cut off from their home nation should not be able to grow. make it so that in war a nation can't take land that doesn't border itself or one of it's allies. (this is being worked on. dev is trying to eliminate exclaves.)

> if 2 nations have just ended a war with each other, they shouldn't be able to go to war again for some time. the truce should last for anywhere between half and twice as many years as the war lasted for. the exact duration should be picked randomly.

> if a nation is in a war with multiple fronts and it's capital is threatened, it should pull away from all the other fronts to try and defend it's capital.

> it should be possible to change a nation's capital city to any other city in the nation using "God mode", while the nation is at peace.

> big nations should be able to guarantee independence of multiple small nations, meaning nations with land area that is less than 20% of the big nation's. the limit should be that the total land area of all the small nations put together should not exceed 50% of the land area of the big nation. guaranteeing independence should mean that the big nation cannot attack the small nation, and if the small nation is attacked, the big nation will help defend it, unless the big nation is also guaranteeing independence of the attacker. but if the big nation attacks or gets attacked, the small nation won't participate in the war automatically, it gets to choose whether to join or not, and if the small nation is attacking, the big nation gets to choose whether to join or not. if the guaranteed nations expand so much that the combined land area of all the guaranteed nations exceeds 50% of the land area of the big nation, the guarantee on the largest nation will get cancelled.

> big nations should not form alliances with small nations. the total land area of all of a nation's allies put together should not exceed 2.5x the land area of the nation itself.

> implement non-aggression pacts.

> nations should be able to send armies to the borders of nations they are allied to or guaranteeing as though the guaranteed or allied nation was a body of water with a crossing.

> add New Zealand to the world map.


that is a lot and all of it is cool and IDK why New Zealand is on the map.

(1 edit) (+1)

How about a more interesting and improved capitulation system? My idea is that if the capitulating country has just its capital occupied but not other cities, then it would not capitulate unless more cities fall too. Of course I do not think this would be a good idea with small nations, they should just capitulate when their capital falls as the former.

However, maybe the capitulation system that I suggested may only be implemented for Empire only or have changable settings for this.

(1 edit)

as of the latest update (v 1.03) "Nation doesn't get destroyed if their capital gets captured and they have cores".


It would be nice for an implementation of an accurate and realistic population additon, portraying populations according to their locations. That have an impact on the military side or at least an option to do so. This will make it so that nations actually need to occupy habitable and populated lands, instead of just getting overpowered by holding realistically wasteland and sparsely populated lands.


Can Edit nations colors too?


Make it so a nations size matters less.


Add ideologies too please!

that would be cool


When a nation is in a multi front war they shouldn't just automatically lose and also allow reinforcements during war / mobilization so that revolts don't just over power other nations since there are no troops around them.


Also make it so allied nations can put troops in each others nations for defensive purposes.

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