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(1 edit)

Free Steam Key was Already Claimed

Im the Top Donator!

Thanks for the tip! So did you get the key?


Yes, i got the key. i decided to give it away in the comments, because i already have the game. someone lucky probably got it


this is the best game ever


I have 98 hours in this game and i don't regret it !



thank u for this wonderful game, ages of conflict dev, i love u


Thank you!!


Dude the update is goated!


Thank you!


Greetings JokuPelle,

Besides being a small game creator, I run a steam curator group entitled Tiiioelcidlopez Reviews where I review AAA and indie titles. Any chance you are looking for some review coverage?

 Curator Page

If so, let me know or send an email found on the page about thanks.


Hi, I contacted you on Curator Connect!





(2 edits) (+1)

jokupelle can you add city tiles (similar to hill tile) where the gold grows larger than on normal land tiles? it would also be real nice if nations could build their own cities with randomised name (if people dont want it you could turn it into an option)


I've thought about ways of expanding cities. Special tiles could definitely be an option. I'll think about it :)


can there be an update where in the pre-made scenario editor (when you click edit on a scenario), you can not just edit borders, but also make countries puppet or annex each other?


That's exactly the update I'm working on right now lol

bro i download the game and the next day i try to play it but den its gone

What do you mean? If you downloaded it then it should be in your files unless you deleted it?

anyone else like populating all of skull island?

Jokupelle Pls add replay mode

That would require too many resources. I suggest you just record your timelapses :)

Ok thanks

It dosen't upload i have a old version, refund

You need to download the newest version from your library

Im new on Itch, How can i open library? and its a problem if i buy the game without account?

Hey jokupelle is there a way to get the premium on mobile because I can't find any button saying buy premium or premium 

If you have the mobile version downloaded there should be a big button to get the full version

this is noice :3

I really like this game but I dont have money for the whole game. So i play the demo verison but still its an awesome game 

Also the best game i played

Hello Jokupelle! I am working on my own game with a similar idea to Ages of Conflict, and I really wanted to know how you coded the map and countries! Like, did you use Cellular Automata to make the game? How do maps work? I really am curious, so please, go into detail if you respond! :) 


It's a bit complicated but each tile has its own "AI" to determine what to do. I had no idea what Cellular automata was but at a quick glance it seems like its somewhat familiar as to how mine works.

Wow, really? That's impressive! And unexpected. So, I assume that the various colors have an AI and when a certain color, say white, is detected, it will automatically assign the AI to that color? And then just repeat that for the whole map?


Yeah, though there are some checks along the way

Ah, what kind of checks? And how exactly are countries handled? 

Regardless of all of that, it's a genius solution! And creative at that! Truly, a beauty of Ages of Conflict is the custom maps!

Hi jokupelle, i really like this game, especially since the puppet update. But instead of the nation name on its capital, could you do such that the nation name is on the map itself?(Like hoi4)

You could turn it into an option in the god mode or display settings like "show nation name on map". Thank you

Deleted post

Thank you!


This game is honestly good ,I Have it Downloaded on my tablet ,its a Bummer that i have to Buy it again on Steam ,I Recommend Buying This Game ,You can make the most out of it,

Thanks! I'm glad you like it!

2000 and 2024, got 'em!

Looks very cool. Will this game ever be free?


Thanks but no, if I did that paying players would be upset

(1 edit)

I see that's understandable

I wouldn't be mad since it doesn't update

Please Optimize for windows 7

about no one else is on a windows 7


This Game is so fun

I am to poor to spend 7 dollars


believe me its worth it


I have 0 dollars I cant buy it


Me too.

Is it possible to mod this game?

I mean I guess if you know how

hi jokupelle, could you please add events?

 like when a nation can declare war on another nation in a set time(eg. september 1, 1939 germany declares on poland, january - december 1938 germany annexes austria etc.)


I kind of feel like that doesn't really fit the game, and if you would like a specific event to happen at specific time, you can just manually do that yourself. So seems like too much work for something the player can manually do if they want

k sorry


I lost 30 minutes of my sleep, but it was worth it

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Found a bug Why does Albania own Kosovo 💀

Is this in some default scenario?

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Yes, 1936.


its true tho

Didn't expect to see you here!

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Do I know you lol

I am SubscribeToZadpi on Scratch..


What if you add a feature where you can make certain nations unavailable to sea crossings? ex. Pre-boat civilizations/Tribes

I feel like you should add scenarios to the demo. I would buy the main game but I just feel like it's the kind of thing you play with for a few weeks and then just move to something else. Great game tho.

I bought it one year ago at full price and played 190+ hours, worth it.

(1 edit)

Pls Add a auto controy thingy if you like trun it on evey map will have its own controy and the world will have evey controy if you like trun it on so ADD IT PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PSL PLS PSLP SL SPSL PLSSS AM BEGING YOU (to the demo*

Please pact creator

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

What do you mean by pact? Do you mean ability to make alliances in scenarios? If so then that is definitely coming!

 Non dans le demo

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That'd be fun, NATO mostly.

I just have an Idea what if you make alliances allowed to merge

Already a Thing


hi, please add a replay mode


also on the world map the 'tamil' city is in the wrong place, people there do not speak tamil. please change the city location


Good Idea

(1 edit) (+1)

Bonjour, s’il vous plaît ajouter le créateur du pacte (exemple :p acte de Moscou) Pouvez-vous le faire s’il vous plaît ?? (p. 100).

(1 edit)


Could you please hide the IOS navigation bar when a simulation is running ? It’s pretty annoying. 

Can you try going to the settings and toggling the fullscreen on/off to see if it does anything. I will have to look into it to see how it could be fixed

There Should be a "View Only Puppets and masters" Mode, Just like the Only View Alliance Mode,


Hmm, yeah I might add that :)


can you add back the ability to see armies, i found that cool in the older versions



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