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When are you gonna update the demo version?

Maybe never(??) Idk. I think it gives a good idea of the game and if you want a demo that is more closer to the full version you can try out the mobile version or watch a YouTube video. Also keeping it the way it is shows how much the game has changed :D

Ah ok.

Deleted 197 days ago

Only a steam code. Mobile is completely different


there's a 0.000000001% chance JokuPelle will reply to this


Go buy a lottery ticket!




bad game!


no its not




it's not



It is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good

(1 edit) (+1)

Steam keys appear to have run out


Hmm. There should still be many left. Do you get some error when trying to get one? I actually don't know what the process/button looks like :D

Okay, on the documentation page for how the downloads work, it says that if you can’t see them, the dev may have run out or that the purchase was flagged as possibly fraudulent. I’m guessing it falsely flagged me.

(1 edit)

I'll look into it tomorrow. If I cant find a solution I can send a key to you directly


Nah, it’s fine, i’m having the same issue with a few other games as well, it’s an Itch problem, not a dev problem


i left this on for an entire day without knowing lol


yoo cool update dud


Going to be buying the full version soon, hope it live's up to what I hope it will be.


I love this game JokuPelle! 

Alot to be exact, By the way I've been doing this all day!

Me too!!!!




Awesome! Thank you!





Hi! I bought your game yesterday on steam and it's something  I was looking for a long time. Could you tell me if you are gonna add some timeline for what happened to the world during play time? Are you gonna add more depth to the countries? I mean more cities, provinces, diplomacy basic info etc.

I will definitely improve diplomacy, like with puppets and such. I wil also add some sort of event log, but nothing that will allow to preview the map at different states as it's not really possible for this game without massive memory consumption

I know a way to optimise memory while recording everything

Skype me or DM me on discord: Sheepy5064 or

JokuPelle! I love this game so much keep doing the great work man! 

Hi Jokupelle, just wanted to say how good of a game I think this is! I love it. THe only thing that I'm complaining about is the scroll in the demo. It would be kind for you to add a zoom bar so it's easier to zoom in and out. I do not have the full version but I am going to get it soon. Thanks!

Also I would like it if in the full version you could add a replay button to replay the battles and the map.

Thanks! Well I'm not sure when I'll be updating the web demo, but maybe someday. As for replaying battles and the map, unfortunately that would require me to record every pixel on the canvas constantly which would require loads of memory and performance would tank, so not gonna happen, sorry :D

But like you can add it as a DLC in steam or Itch, right?

Or it could be a setting for that


-A button in size and ages: Min (all)

-Flags (Later I will explain how to do it)

-More countries on world map (there are 165/206)

With flags, you should add a button to turn the display of the flags on and off. The algorithm to create the flags could be vertical and horizontal stripes with a basic color palette (Red, green, blue, yellow, orange, black, white, and purple). It could be edited in a similar way to when you create a map. However, apart from being able to choose a flag for a country that already exists. When putting a default map like the world map, they should put the original flags.

I would definitely like to add flags to the game. A more detailed world map is coming soon!

I have a suggestion for improving the maps. I think it would be beneficial to add rock walls in the demo version to prevent nations from expanding their territory.

hey can I stop the game from making random nations out of nowhere

just disable revolts

ah okay, thank you

how i put full screen for demo ?

How do i draw realistic borders for each country?

you dont

you can't

Buy the version in steam it costs 7 Dollars I think.

You can't

i've seen the biggest country revolt 7 times, then die.


(2 edits)

yo i have an idea

the flag feature

you can enable the flag feature in the settings. It adds flags to countries


this idea may be weird for a game like this

also it will not work in the god mode (like when you edit area, or name, or color)

and a new button in Internal Commands. "Change Flag", you can load an image and change the flag.

What do you think about this one?


Or do it like the Armies Button in the demo version


is it just my bad phone? the mobile version starts to get to 1-0 fps every 2 mins for me.


(1 edit)

Weird. Does this happen when a simulation runs for a while or does it slow down no matter what you do? What speed do you run the simulation? If you are running on max speed it might get laggy

Can you tell what model your phone is roughly :D

Samsung. It starts to lag like when a revolt happens, or when i try to create a map. Russian phones be laggy these days (Nice game btw!)

CTPaBa PoccNa


Thanks! Revolt spawns can cause some lag if they are big especially when speed is increased. Yeah lag on older phones is quite expected. But I'll try to optimize the game more in the future :)


i am back in :D

it is great for me

When I played the mobile version it was nothing like the game! it's like the demo version but not really a demo but still, the scenarios are locked

Yes the mobile version is more similar to the Full version. You can buy the full version on mobile to unlock all features

Oh ok.

Why mobile players have free similar full wersion but PC/Laptop do not have


"I really want it to be free.... Please..It's an amazing game and I would love if it was free!"

(1 edit)

Just Wait till your birthday, and get a birthday card, with a gift card in it, then buy the game like i did



I agree

me too

(1 edit) (+1)

Joku? Do you think its a good idea, for bots to have conferences, to decide, the New Borders of a country, and they can be randomized to Partions, Full Annexations, All the way down to puppet states, but just consider it, becuase im getting tired, of poland taking over the whole soviet union, right before germany reaches warsaw, and then owning both the soviet union and poland.


Hey! Remember me? I'm Afghani and my real name is Elijah my tablet is now factory reset and I will have to note that I will have to log out after I comment this bcuz my tablet will be hacked and also I downloaded your mobile version of the game and it was awesome but a little boring at the same time thank u dev for creating this


Thanks for playing :D

I have a few questions which I can’t find the answers to anywhere:

Firstly, what do cities do?

And secondly, what do the different fighting types (random, static, progressive) work?

Well cities currently house possible revolts and cores provide places to move capital in case it is taken. I would like to make them more useful in future. As for combat efficiency setting. If you are on PC it will tell you in a tooltip what they mean. But basically with random CE is randomized every 10 years, progressive changes it to random direction by 1 every 10 years. Static is if you want to specifically set each nations efficiency yourself


add u can send solders in boat like territorial


good suggestion

(1 edit)

we need a big update

Deleted 331 days ago

Good game. I really like the mobile version.


I think you meant to say monday?

no it means understood

(the real word is понятно)

oh ok

Can you also add mor maps in the demo one like the map of africa, asia, south america, carribean and Central America pls

Can you pls add country borders in the demo one and in demo make the custom maps save


That defeats the Whole purpose of the Full Game purchase, If he were to add realistic borders to the Demo, its only available on The full game

Can you add more modes?

such as a single country or nomad...

So, i made a Custom Fantasy world, and i made multiple maps to act as the parts of history, of the fantasy map, But My idea is, to make a thing where you can put multiple maps into a series, so that way all of the maps can be played in order.

that's actually a good idea


(1 edit)

hey man may you PLEASE make alliance wars make sense. The combined power of a nation the size of 2000 + a nation with maybe 100 land should not be able to somehow beat a nation 3x it's land and size, how does this happen? Or that if a nation attacks another one. or maybe like 2 nations combined with a landmass of 500 shouldn't be able to beat a nation the size of several thousand.

edit: more of a thing I've notixed on my solo runs is that the nation to fully win has been 99% has been from the USA? 

Idk if browser version does something

I mean there is always luck involved. Plus I think it's more interesting if the bigger nation doesn't always win. The map obviously has some effect on which nations have some advantage.

Wars/combat works a bit different in the browser version since there is no gold or combat efficiency, plus alliances are only of two nations


(2 edits)

From what I know, (I think) Jokupelle makes the game alone unless he has a team with more people now, but it would be cool if you tried to make another game instead of having only one that you update sometimes. For example, it could be like a game related to this one but instead you can play against players and ai where you control the countries (Kind of like the roblox game: Rise of Nations) or maybe completely different from this game. Other than that, great game. I can't wait to see what you will do in the future.

Also, I was trying to word this better, but I couldn't because sometimes I am bad at doing that so sorry if it sounds like I'm putting pressure, or I desperately want to you to do it because I don't want to do that and I have no control over it. 

Edit: If anyone wants me to say it better, I will try to. I know that you have 2 games other than this one but I don't know if you are still working on them and I haven't seen you talking about them or at least not anymore on any place.

(1 edit) (+2)

I definitely want to make more games in the future, but currently I'm focusing on this one. I mostly work alone but some things like art, music and localization is done with additional help.

Thanks for being interested in possible future projects :D

Oh ok, sounds good! Good luck on your future projects.

yahh more updates


Bro he now has other games in

I conquered the world.

epic :D

yes rly epic lol :D


In the next update, can you put new maps for the game? Like an Africa map or an South America Map


W Game fr

Thank you!

You should make it so you can disable rebellions

Isn't that already in the game? 

Yes it is now stop questioning

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