hey jokupelle,i found a problem in the downloadable demo or a bug or but i think its a bug that the custom maps are not being saved when i quit the game
Jokupelle, you should add sencarios into demo because its kind hard to make europe and north american perfect its like super hard and the game is awesome by the way :D
Jokupelle, I bought the Steam Version, will you add there the old map (in the demo version) of Greece and Turkiye? Thank you so much, also I love it! :))
This is because I'm not a "confirmed" publisher to Microsoft. This popup happens with pretty much every itch.io game or executable you download. But I assure you it's safe :)
You can click the More info and press run anyway. Also if you launch it by using the Steam key on steam this popup doesn't happen
at year 580 the last 2 nations were at war they were cisily and istanbul istanbul defeated stockland who defeated paris paris defeated capitalin portoguese
I’ve always wanted a world war simulator with every single country, and I mean every single country, like Vatican City, San Marino, Nauru. So I have a question, do you plan to add micro nations in the game? Or just every country that’s not on the earth map in general? There are a lot in Oceania you could add. I don’t see how Vatican City would be possible to add but it would be cool to see.
Hey Jokupelle i have an idea for the paid version and its a edit nation idea , add another button called "Military" and if you click it there will be a small tab popping up, you can add strength , add troops, here's an example:
I’m probably going to get dislikes for this, because almost everyone else who asked for this got dislikes. But I think this game needs a Mobile version. I completely understand that the dev is probably annoyed because of people asking for a mobile version, but this game is absolutely incredible and deserves all the positive reviews it gets, but I think a mobile version at least needs to be put in some consideration. And I understand that it probably won’t happen, just wanted to say this anyway.
Yeah. I honestly don’t care that it costs money, I would still get it because it’s that worth it. But I just want it on mobile because I think it would be easier for a lot of people.
Do the different terrains actually produce different amounts of gold? It doesn't seem like it on a small scale, but I'm not sure.
I really love how engaged you are with the community! Another cool idea would be to have high-value land. But you are the dev, use your own discretion.
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hey jokupelle,i found a problem in the downloadable demo or a bug or but i think its a bug that the custom maps are not being saved when i quit the game
Are you sure you saved them? Did they show up in the menu before quitting? Can you check if they are in the Custom Maps folder?
And you for sure used the downloaded demo? The browser version doesn't save maps between sessions
the last 2 it did but i didnt knew you could save
how to save
because i lost a D-DAY map
what is a populated map?
click save in map editor. That should save it as a file
i will try
it did not work
but they didnt show up in the custom maps
why in the steam version denmark's land looks like a E
Jokupelle Do you think the ai can like randomly make puppet states?
and if there ruling country dies the just turn back to normal
I have thought about that. I might make something like that in the future
Jokupelle, you should put this game on mobile. It’d be fun to play this on the go!
I don't think he will do that.
Jokupelle, you should add a world war 2 world map scenario (Into The Itch.io Version)
Jokupelle, you should add sencarios into demo because its kind hard to make europe and north american perfect its like super hard and the game is awesome by the way :D
Jokupelle, I bought the Steam Version, will you add there the old map (in the demo version) of Greece and Turkiye? Thank you so much, also I love it! :))
Thanks! I could maybe add it to the workshop. But it is pretty small and not a very good map so I'll probably not make it a default map again
This game is amazing! Nice job on it!
it reached 8000 and sooo thats the last time bc revolts kept coming
uhh this new world is too died its in year almost 5000 and the oldest coumtry is also the biggist
jukopelle i cannot afford the full steam virsion i might buy it i will say to you when i buy it
Does anyone know any way to disable the destruction mechanic?
you cant
No mods or code modifying ?
I bought and dowloaded the game and my pc is saying it "Protected my Pc"
I might need a refund if i cant get some help with this
This is because I'm not a "confirmed" publisher to Microsoft. This popup happens with pretty much every itch.io game or executable you download. But I assure you it's safe :)
You can click the More info and press run anyway. Also if you launch it by using the Steam key on steam this popup doesn't happen
Great thank you =
can you make a downloadable Mac version?
I've had trouble making a downloadable Mac version. But the Steam version does work on Mac
Hey jokupelle can you add coordinates?
Why though?
What wrong i can’t place capital when don’t have coordinates
Also i can’t changes country capital and add core
Need erase area button to make wasteland
hello lol
make south america map
Can you add ,,draw borders'' to demo(idk if its in steam one)
Please add so that i dont HAVE TO WAIT 100 YEARS FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN. So please add it.
it's in the steam version and won't be coming to the demo
Also what will be the next update for demo? If you will even update it ever again.
There will be at least one update to the demo, fixing a few bugs and implementing one feature
and it ended after istanbul was really close to capital i mean sicily died istanbul is last country standing it was year 590 when sicily was ended
at year 580 the last 2 nations were at war they were cisily and istanbul istanbul defeated stockland who defeated paris paris defeated capitalin portoguese
EYYYYYYYY Jokupelle! Im back lol, now that the game is on steam could you change the demo from saying wishlist on steam to say buy on steam?
is god mode in demo
yes, in the nation view top corner, but there are only a few options there compared to the full game
I’ve always wanted a world war simulator with every single country, and I mean every single country, like Vatican City, San Marino, Nauru. So I have a question, do you plan to add micro nations in the game? Or just every country that’s not on the earth map in general? There are a lot in Oceania you could add. I don’t see how Vatican City would be possible to add but it would be cool to see.
probably not to the full world map as they are so tiny, but for region specific maps, yeah sure
Hey Jokupelle i have an idea for the paid version and its a edit nation idea , add another button called "Military" and if you click it there will be a small tab popping up, you can add strength , add troops, here's an example:
Lol thats from Colonysim XD imma Junior Moderator for the Discord for that game
i know i just wanted an example.
can you fint the t
Are you gonna make a feature to force unity with a country instead of it happening over time?
Well the god Mode Annex button works the same as unification atm
in demo i meant is it there?
jokupelle how to use god mode really boring without playing as a country reply please
uhh.. you can use god mode from the nation view's top right button
they need to add placing cities and cores in god mode/scenario creation
i found a nation named hell
i found another nation named haven
One time I found a naturally spawned nation named “Greenland” In modern day Libya.
I found a nation called Yellowstone in South Africa
Coincidence! They are near each other and both are blue (about the same shade of blue)
I’m probably going to get dislikes for this, because almost everyone else who asked for this got dislikes. But I think this game needs a Mobile version. I completely understand that the dev is probably annoyed because of people asking for a mobile version, but this game is absolutely incredible and deserves all the positive reviews it gets, but I think a mobile version at least needs to be put in some consideration. And I understand that it probably won’t happen, just wanted to say this anyway.
I wish there was mobile. Then I wouldn't have to ask permission to use a flippin' windows
Yeah. I honestly don’t care that it costs money, I would still get it because it’s that worth it. But I just want it on mobile because I think it would be easier for a lot of people.
I'm looking at buying the game, is there multi-player and if not will there ever be multi-player?
already payed for it
probably not but i hope so
will you ever update the demo again?
This game is so neat. It could be great inspiration for an alternate history story
in itch.io demo plz
make premade maps like usa with already placed nations like nevada in usa
i have chromebook steam does not work also i'm seven
It's on the steam version
currently in year 5.5K, only had 2 nations for the past 3K years barely any progress has been made MAKE THIS STOP
year 6800 now
edit, year 7100, score is pretty much equal
edit 3, year 8000, progress is actually happening someone might actually win!!!!!!!
edit 4, year 8500, FINALLY ITS OVER!!!!!!!!
who won
the nation that was in the place of the earth kingdom (avatar map)
Will you ever be able to delete accidentally placed nations?
Yes, that is the one feature that is coming to the Demo (at some point, please be patient :D)
i like doing it
could you add a mode where the borders are exact? It doesn't have to be like the steam version.
Do the different terrains actually produce different amounts of gold? It doesn't seem like it on a small scale, but I'm not sure.
I really love how engaged you are with the community! Another cool idea would be to have high-value land. But you are the dev, use your own discretion.
Stay Awesome!
They do affect gold (30% and 10%) and advancement speed
i bought this game yesterday and i love it!! the medals are preetttyy interesting.
Can we have the full version I use Chromebook
Chromebook is not supported
Will it ever be? If so, When will it be?
probably not, since I can't even test it myself. Does chromebook have Steam?
Well there is steam link, which i can use my mom's windows laptop and play it on a chromebook, so that's a solution
Chrome OS is not designed for gaming (like Steam), sad, but perhaps it could do mobile games.